Commit 9a36ac3e authored by Boris Dvorkin's avatar Boris Dvorkin 💬
Browse files

🚀 Everything works, i am lazy to write commits

parent 06fb4808
ASM = nasm
ASM_FLAGS = -g -f elf64
SRC_DIR := src
BIN_DIR := bin
EXEC := $(BIN_DIR)/main
OBJS := $(addprefix $(BIN_DIR)/, lib.o dict.o main.o)
ERR_FILE := $(BIN_DIR)/err.txt
all: $(BIN_DIR) $(EXEC)
mkdir -p $(BIN_DIR)
$(BIN_DIR)/%.o: $(SRC_DIR)/%.asm
$(ASM) $(ASM_FLAGS) -I$(SRC_DIR)/ -o $@ $<
$(EXEC): $(OBJS)
ld -o $@ $^
rm -rf $(BIN_DIR)
.PHONY: all test clean
......@@ -2,9 +2,42 @@
Лабораторная работа №2: словарь на assembler
## Как выглядит итоговый `linked dict-list`:
graph TD
first-->null["0 (null)"]
third("Key: third<br/>Value: value 3")
second("Key: second<br/>Value: value 2")
first("Key: first<br/>Value: value 1")
## Как выглядит созданный макросом `linked dict-list`:
┌---align 8
│ first: ; macro: colon "first", first
│ dq 0 ; head = 0, because it is the first node
│ db "first", 0
│ ; here macro will do %define head first
┌---align 8
│ second: ; macro: colon "second", second
│ dq first ; head = first
│ db "second", 0
│ ; here macro will do %define head second
and so on...
# Подготовка
* Пользуйтесь доками
* Прочитайте первые главы 3,4,5 "Low-level programming: C, assembly and program execution".
На защите мы можем обсуждать цикл компиляции, роль компоновщика, препроцессора, устройство виртуальной памяти и связь между секциями, сегментами, регионами памяти. Также можем поговорить про кольца защиты и привилегированный режим.
File added
File added
File added
File added
length_required=257 # for buffer overflow
long_string=$(printf "%${length_required}s" | tr ' ' "${string_to_repeat}")
# Basic tests
declare -a basic_tests=("third" "second" "nonexistent_key" "$long_string")
declare -a basic_expected=("value 3" "value 2" "Key wasn't found!" "Key should be < 256 chars!")
# Edge cases and special scenarios
declare -a edge_tests=(
"" # Empty string
" " # Only spaces
"SeConD" # Mixed case
" second " # Spaces at the start and end
"!@#$%^&*()" # Special characters
"second123" # Numbers in the key
"$(printf 'a%.0s' {1..255})" # Very long but valid
"$(printf 'a%.0s' {1..256})" # Exact limit
"secondEXTRA" # Starts with valid key
"second third" # Multiple words
declare -a edge_expected=(
"Key wasn't found!"
"Key wasn't found!"
"Key wasn't found!"
"value 2"
"Key wasn't found!"
"Key wasn't found!"
"Key wasn't found!"
"Key should be < 256 chars!"
"Key wasn't found!"
"value 2"
# Combine all the tests and expected results
tests=("${basic_tests[@]}" "${edge_tests[@]}")
expected=("${basic_expected[@]}" "${edge_expected[@]}")
# Execute the tests
for i in "${!tests[@]}"; do
output=$(echo -n "${tests[$i]}" | ./bin/main 2>&1)
if [ "$output" == "${expected[$i]}" ]; then
echo "Test $i passed."
echo "Test $i failed. Expected: ${expected[$i]}. Got: $output"
File moved
%include ""
global find_word
global retrieve_value_by_key_address
section .text
; Takes 2 args
; arg1: prt to null-terminated-str (in rdi)
; arg2: prt to dict start (in rsi)
; if string found in dict -> returns entry addr
; if not -> returns 0
; Save callee-saved registers
push r14
push r15
mov r14, rdi ; ptr to str here
mov r15, rsi ; ptr to dictionary beginning here
; If r15 (current node) is null, we've reached the end
test r15, r15
jz .not_found
; Compare the strings
mov rdi, r14 ; string1: search string
lea rsi, [r15 + 8] ; string2: current node's key (skip the 8-byte next pointer)
call string_equals ; Use string_equals function
test eax, eax
jnz .found ; If not zero, the strings match
; Move to the next node
mov r15, [r15]
; Continue loop
jmp .loop
mov rax, r15 ; Set return value to the node's address
jmp .end
xor rax, rax ; Return 0
pop r15 ; Restore callee-saved registers
pop r14
; Given the address of a dictionary entry (key), retrieves the address of the value.
; Input: rdi = address of dictionary key
; Output: rax = address of corresponding value
lea rdi, [rdi+8] ; to get the value we need to skip 8 bytes
push rdi ; save caller-saved register, because could be modified in string_length
call string_length ; Count the number of chars in the key string (returned to rax)
pop rdi ; restore rdi
add rdi, rax ; Move past the length of the key string
inc rdi ; Move past the null-terminator to get to the value address
mov rax, rdi ; Return the value address in rax
extern find_word
extern retrieve_value_by_key_address
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ global read_char
global read_word
global parse_uint
global parse_int
global print_string
global print_to_descriptor
; Define magic numbers
%define DECIMAL_BASE 10 ; base of decimal numbers
......@@ -23,8 +22,8 @@ global print_string
%define NEXTLINE `\n`
%define ASCII_PLUS '+'
; macro for skipping whitespace chars
; (i.e. whitespace, tab, newline)
; Macro to skip whitespace characters.
; Whitespace includes: space (0x20), tab (0x9), and newline (0xA).
cmp %1, ' '
je %2
......@@ -34,8 +33,7 @@ global print_string
je %2
; macro for saving callee-saved registers
; Macro to save the callee-saved registers.
%macro SAVE 1-*
%rep %0
push %1
......@@ -43,8 +41,7 @@ global print_string
; macro for restoring callee-saved registers
; Macro to restore the callee-saved registers.
%macro RESTORE 1-*
%rep %0
%rotate -1
......@@ -72,19 +69,6 @@ string_length:
; Takes ptr to zero-terminated string (from rdi), outputs it to stdout
xor rax, rax
push rdi
call string_length
pop rsi ; restore ptr to rsi (where does the string start?)
mov rdx, rax ; rdx stores data during i/o -> string length (how many bytes to write?)
mov rax, 1 ; 1 is system call number for write
mov rdi, 1 ; 1 is stdout descriptor
; Takes symbol code (from rdi) and outputs it to stdout
xor rax, rax
......@@ -125,9 +109,10 @@ print_uint:
lea rdi, [rsp + r8]
call print_string
add rsp, MAX_DIGITS + 12
mov rsi, 1 ; file descriptor for stdout
call print_to_descriptor
add rsp, MAX_DIGITS + 12
; Prints signed 8-byte number in decimal format
......@@ -244,7 +229,7 @@ parse_uint:
test rdi, rdi ; check if the ptr is null
jz .end
movzx rcx, byte [rdi] ; load char from the string
sub cl, ASCII_ZERO ; convert ASCII char to its integer value
cmp cl, 9 ; check if its a digit from 0 to 9
......@@ -258,7 +243,7 @@ parse_uint:
jmp .loop
; Takes ptr to strind (rdi)
......@@ -269,7 +254,7 @@ parse_uint:
; rdx = 0 if number failed to read
xor rax, rax ; number will be here
xor rdx, rdx ; number lengtgh will be here
xor rdx, rdx ; number length will be here
xor rcx, rcx ; temporary register for sign and ASCII conversion
test rdi, rdi ; testing if ptr is not null
......@@ -285,7 +270,7 @@ parse_int:
jmp parse_uint
mov rcx, -1
inc rdi
inc rdx
......@@ -294,7 +279,7 @@ parse_int:
inc rdx
jmp .end
inc rdi
inc rdx
jmp parse_uint
......@@ -309,25 +294,35 @@ parse_int:
xor rax, rax ; holds copied string length
mov cl, byte [rdi + rax]
cmp rax, rdx
jae .buffer_full ; jump if the buffer is sMoL
mov byte [rsi + rax], cl ; copy byte to destination
inc rax ; increment length
test cl, cl
jz .done
jmp .loop
jnz .loop
xor rax, rax
mov byte [rsi + rax], 0 ; Add null-terminator to string
mov byte [rsi + rax], 0 ; Add null-terminator to string
xor rax, rax
; Takes ptr to zero-terminated string (from rdi) and prints it to the given file descriptor
; Input: rdi = ptr of null-terminated str, rsi = file descriptor
; Output: the string itself, to the given file descriptor
push rsi
push rdi
call string_length
pop rsi ; Restore ptr to rdi (where does the string start?)
pop rdi ; File descriptor for std in/out/err here
mov rdx, rax ; rdx stores data during i/o -> string length (how many bytes to write?)
mov rax, 1 ; "syscall" number for "sys_write"
......@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ extern read_char
extern read_word
extern parse_uint
extern parse_int
extern print_string
extern print_to_descriptor
%include ""
%include ""
%include ""
%include ""
%define BUFFER_SIZE 255
section .bss
; It is required to read a string with a size < 256 chars in stdin
input_buffer: resb BUFFER_SIZE
section .rodata
error_message: db "Key wasn't found!", 0
length_error: db "Key should be < 256 chars!", 0
section .text
global _start
; Read a word from stdin into input_buffer
mov rdi, input_buffer
mov rsi, BUFFER_SIZE
call read_word
test rax, rax
jz .input_too_long
; Find the word in the dictionary
mov rdi, rax ; Find this word
mov rsi, START ; Dictionary start
call find_word
test rax, rax ; If the word is not found
jz .not_found ; -> find_word returns 0
; Retrieve the value associated with the key
mov rdi, rax ; Address of dictionary key
call retrieve_value_by_key_address
mov rdi, rax ; Address of corresponding value
mov rsi, 1 ; file descriptor for stdout
call print_to_descriptor ; Print value
call print_newline
jmp .exit
; If too long -> write error msg to stderr
mov rdi, length_error
jmp .err
; If not found -> write error msg to stderr
mov rdi, error_message
mov rsi, 2 ; file descriptor for stderr
call print_to_descriptor
; Exit with 0 as the return code
xor rdi, rdi
call exit
%include ""
%define START first
section .rodata
; just create some words here, created by colon macro
; this section is read-only, because we will use those words like a constants
; (rodata == ReadOnly data)
colon "third", third
db "value 3", 0
colon "second", second
db "value 2", 0
colon "first", first
db "value 1", 0
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