Commit 9ee9ac76 authored by Igor Zhirkov's avatar Igor Zhirkov
Browse files

Fix a bug making tester script omit the error log when tests with sanitizers failed

parent a3021ad0
......@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ if [ "$rc" -ne "0" ]; then
echo "Failed at creating output. Command: $main_cmd"
if [ ! -z "$log_dir" ]; then
[ ! -e "$log_out" ] && echo "*** stdout log: $log_out ***" && cat $log_out
[ ! -e "$log_err" ] && echo "*** stderr log: $log_err ***" && cat $log_err
[ -s "$log_out" ] && echo "*** stdout log: $log_out ***" && cat "$log_out"
[ -s "$log_err" ] && echo "*** stderr log: $log_err ***" && cat "$log_err"
echo "$test_name: Failed with exit code $rc"
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